Beirut Port Memorial

Lest We Forget…

Beirut port explosion aftermath


On Tuesday August the 4 th , 2020, around 6:07 pm local time, 2750 tons of Ammonium Nitrate exploded in Beirut Port, Lebanon. The highly explosive material should have never been kept in that port, it was neglectfully left by the Lebanese Government for over 6 years, poorly stored very close to residential areas. As a result of the explosion, more than 250 innocent people lost their lives, many remain missing, more than 6,000 injured. The explosion destroyed half of the city of Beirut and damaged the homes of 300,000 residents.

This website is a tribute to all those who lost their lives in this horrific explosion.

It also serves as a painful reminder for people from all nations to fight for their democracy, because, when democracies collapse, governments become corrupt and people get killed.


To all the families and friends who lost a loved one,

My sincere condolences to you. We shall not forget them. Feel free to write to your loved one, tell their story, and sign your name. They might not be with us today, but their souls shall always soar high and free above the skies of Beyrouth…

Thinking of you,

Nada Sidani

DISCLAIMER: This memorial remains work in progress. To add a photo of your loved one or for any other additions/ corrections, please contact me at:
